On-Demand Courses and Reference Materials So You Can
Improve Your Team’s Performance
Product Knowledge is Critical in Every Sales Situation
Request Demo Watch the Video >Webinars and 10 Minute Meetings are NOT Sufficient
If your sale team are not product experts, they cannot deliver on your business strategy.
Real consultative selling is impossible
Key features and benefits are never mentioned
The latest products are not offered in a timely manner
Presentations lack confidence
Sales drift to old favorites
Buying group commitments cannot be met
Training with FSGenius Leads to Better Solutions for Your Customers
Request DemoExpertise
Your team can offer the right solutions at the right times
Brand Loyalty
Commitments to grow certain brands can be met
Upselling and Add-ons
Premium alternatives can be presented and supported
Deliver Impactful Content On Every Device
Factory Training Programs
Factory Sales Tools - Literature and Videos
Publish Your Own Training to Your Team
Product Knowledge Wins Business!
It’s Time to Embrace Modern Sales Training
FES dealers have to ensure their salespeople are properly trained on thousands of products from hundreds of companies. In-person factory training is limited by its ability to scale, leaving many salespeople without product-specific training every year. By using FSGenius to provide your salespeople with factory training programs on-demand, you’ll set them up for success, increase sales productivity, and improve your bottom line.
At FSGenius, we know that you want to grow your sales faster than the industry overall. To do that, you need salespeople who are genuine experts in the products you recommend. The problem is that your team sells thousands of products from hundreds of manufacturers, which makes you feel like sufficient factory training will always be out of reach. We believe that a big part of the problem is our industry's outdated idea that all good training must be in-person. We understand that the world has moved to digital online training, which is why we created the world’s only digital training platform for the FES industry.
Here’s how we do it:
- Manufacturers create and publish online courses with the latest product information and selling strategies.
- Your DSRs access factory training … plus reference materials… when needed on any device.
- Your company earns customers’ trust… and business!
So schedule a call to sign your salespeople up as FSGenius users today. So they can stop struggling, and instead enjoy the training and tools they need to really meet your customers’ needs.
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